If you are interested in borrowing against your luxury assets, such as high-value fine jewelry and watches, with the most competitive interest rates in our industry, you’ve come to the right place.

At Premier Jewelry Lenders we understand today’s economic condition has taken a toll on all of us. We also understand that obtaining a conventional bank loan has become more difficult.

Our loan process is fast, easy, and private. All your transactions with Premier Jewelry Lenders will be kept confidential. Your jewelry collateral will be safe, secure, and kept off premise in bank vaults. In addition, our clients seal and sign their belongs before they leave our office, assuring that their belongs will not be touched while the loan is active and up to date.

When you arrive at our office you will consult with an experienced gemologist in the privacy of our offices.

After careful evaluation of your jewelry, our gemologists will determine the highest loan value possible. Of course, in determining the loan value, any input or point of view you have will be given the utmost attention by our professionals. When the loan value is agreed upon, we will advise you of the terms of your contract. Once the paperwork is signed, you will receive your funds immediately and in any form you prefer.

All the loans at Premier Jewelry Lenders are written for a four-month period.

You can redeem your loan at anytime during your four-month contract by repaying the entire principle amount as well as any interest and charges accrued during that time. When your loan contact matures, you can rewrite and extend the loan for another four months by simply paying all the accrued interest and charges for the previous four months.

Feel free to contact us for a free estimate on the loan value of any item in your fine jewelry and watch collection.

We are here to help and will provide you with a FREE estimate based on your needs.

Call 310-271-9988
or email us today!